Monday, April 1, 2013

Old Questions - 2nd Semester

Academic Year 2011-12

1.        a) Draw a neat diagram and label different cuts of pork

b) Briefly state their French names and uses in detail.                                                        (5+5=10)


2.        a) Explain choux pastry, short crust pastry, laminated pastry and puff pastry.

b) Enlist two uses of each pastry with their major differences.


a)       State various principles involved in bread making.

b)       Explain the role of the various ingredients in bread making.                                        (5+5=10)


3.        a) Briefly explain various types of soups with examples of each.

b) Name atleast ten commonly used garnishes for soups.                                                   (5+5=10)


4.        Explain the following terms (any five):

a)       Profitroles

b)       Supreme

c)        Mignon

d)       Pasteurization

e)       Emulsion Sauces

f)        Gluten

g)       Homogenization

h)       Pastry Creams                                                                                                                 (5x2=10)


5.        a) Define ‘Sauce’ and enlist the basic elements of the sauce.

b) Classify sauce with an example of each.

c) Explain mother sauces with one derivative each along with the ingredient.


6.        Write short notes on (any two):

a)       Processing of cheese                                      b) Steps involved in cheese making

c)    Types of Butter                                                                d) Role of spices in Indian Cookery


7.        a)  Classify fish with suitable examples.

b)       With the help of a neat diagram, explain five classical cuts of fish.


a)       Draw a general layout of the kitchen in a five-star hotel.

b)       Draw in detail layout of service and wash-up area.                                                      (5+5=10)


8.        Differentiate between (any two):

a)       Chowder and Bisque

b)       Hot emulsion and cold emulsion sauce.

c)        Condiments and spices.

d)       Sauces and gravies.                                                                                                        (2x5=10)


9.        a) With the help of a neat diagram, explain various parts of wheat grain.

b) Explain the action of heat on carbohydrate.                                                                      (5+5=10)


10.     Fill in the blanks:

a)       _______ & ______ are two connective tissues present in meat.

b)       The other name of brown sauce is ________.

c)        Green turtle soup is originated from country_______.

d)       The other name of fish poaching liquor is_____________.

e)       A fish cut across and through the bone is called _________.

f)        The flesh of pig is called________.

g)       The blue veined cheese from England is _________.

h)       Onion is studded with bay leaf and cloves is called_______.

i)         The English name of Indian spice javitri is called__________.

j)         Demi-glaze is equal parts of _______ & ________ reduced to half.                            (10x1=10)


Term End Examinations -2010

1.        Explain the following terms (any ten):

a) Au gratin                             b) Blanquette          c) Chasseur                             d) Court Bouillon

e) Elastin                                 f) Gluten                 g) Green Meat                        h) HACCP

i) Leavening                            j) Liaison                 k) Offals                                  ) Shortening

m) Wash                                 n) Zest                                                                                     (10x1=10)


2.        Match the following

a.        Minestrone                                                             i)   Cephalopods

b.        Squids                                                                     ii)   Oily Fish

c.        Soubise                                                                   iii)  Italy

d.        Salmon                                                                    iv)  Swiss

e.        Eclairs                                                                     v)   Espagnole

f.         Emmenthal                                                             vi)  Soft Cheese

g.        Bercy                                                                       vii)  Choux Pastry

h.        Roquefort                                                                viii) Béchamel

i.         Brie                                                                         ix)   Pasta

j.         Macaroni                                                                 x)    France                              (10x1=10)


3.        Give reasons for:

a)       Less volume in cake

b)       Holes and tunnels in bread

c)        Thickening agent is not added to puree soups

d)       Deglazing of pan.

e)       Cooking of potatoes is not started in boiling water                                                      (5x2=10)


4.        Differentiate between the following:

a)       Sauce and gravy

b)       Contemporary sauces and Proprietary sauces

c)        Single cream and Double cream

d)       Yellow butter and White butter                                                                                     (4x2½=10)


5.         Write short notes on (any two):

a) Yeast                                                                   b) Steps involved in Cheese Making

c) Types of pastry                                                   d) Cuts of fish                                        


6.        Short answer questions (any four):

a)       What is pastry cream?

b)       Give composition of milk.

c)        Briefly explain the role of spices in Indian Cookery.

d)       Give classification of Cheese.

e)       Briefly explain the benefits of homogenized milk.                                                        (4x2½=10)


7.        a) Give the recipe of any cream soup.

b) Give two derivatives each of basic mother sauces.                                                          (5+5=10)


8.        a) Give classification of fish with examples.

b) What factors you will keep in mind while selecting fish and shellfish?                          (5+5=10)


9.        Explain the role of each ingredient used in bread making.                                                   (10)


a)       Draw and label structure of wheat grain.

b)       Explain the types of flour obtained during milling.                                                       (5+5=10)


10.     a) What is Rigour Mortis? How can we reduce/eliminate the period of Rigour Mortis?

b) Draw a neat diagram showing the different cuts of lamb/mutton and list their uses.

                                                                 OR                                           (5+5=10)

Draw a neat diagram showing all the cuts of beef and list their uses.                                                (10)


Supplementary Examinations – 2009

1.        a) Draw and label the various cuts of lamb.

b) With the help of a table, give the French terms of the various cuts, their uses and approximate weights (consider the total weight as 16 kgs).                                                                                                                        (5+5=10)


2.        a) Explain short crust pastry, laminated pastry, choux pastry, hot water pastry & puff pastry.

b) Site the major differences between them and give atleast two uses of each pastry.


a) What are the principles / fundamental steps in bread making?

b) Explain the role of the various ingredients in bread making?                                          (5+5=10)


3.        Short Answers

a) Steps involved in Cheese making.

b) Processing of Milk.

c) Structure of Wheat grain.                                                                                                  (5 marks each)

4.        a) With the help of a chart classify soups with suitable examples.

b) Explain in detail ‘Consommé’ and give the recipe for preparation of 2 litres of consommé.

c) Name six National soups giving the country of origin.                                                      (2+5+3=10)


5.        a) Classify fish with examples.

b) Name and explain the different cuts of fish.

c) What are the quality points to be checked in the selection of fish and shellfish.(3+4+3=10)


6.        (a) Define Sauce. List the basic elements of the sauce.

(b) Classify Sauces with suitable examples.

(c) Name the ‘Mother Sauces’ and give 2 derivatives of each along with the ingredients.


7.        Explain the following culinary terms:

Abats, Au gratin, Bain Marie, Baste, Bouquet garni, Chiffonade, Dot, Foie gras, Larding, Matignon                                                                                                                                                                 (10x1=10)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

8.        Fill in the Blanks:

                     I.            Demi-glaze is equal parts of ________ and _______ reduced to half.

                    II.            Fonds de cuisine means __________.

                  III.            _______ is the father of the modern kitchen organization.

                  IV.            _______ is the French term for well cooked.

                   V.            Braising is a combined method of ______ and ______.

                  VI.            ______ is the ‘head of fillet’ steak and its approximate weight varies from ___to ___ kg.

                VII.            ____ and _____ are the two connective tissue present in meat.



Term End Examinations - 2009


1.        a) Explain in detail the role of the various ingredients in bread making.

b) Give the standard recipe for the preparation of bread rolls.


2.        Draw a neat diagram showing cuts of lamb and explain their uses.


3.        Write short notes on:

a) Laminated pastries.

b) Leavening agents

c) Steps in the making of cheese.


4.        Define sauce and list the basic elements of a sauce. Classify sauces with suitable examples.


Term End Examinations – 2010



1.        a) Give the recipe to make 16 bread rolls.

b) Explain the role of each ingredient in bread making.

2.        Classify fish with examples.

Enlist points for selection of fresh fish and shellfish.

3.        List different types of milk.

Nutritive value of milk and its constituents.

4.        Write short notes: International soups, pastry creams, mother sauces, laminated pastries.

5.        a) Draw a structure of wheat grain and label the different parts.

b) Describe processing and manufacturing of wheat flour.

6.        a) Steps involved in manufacturing cheese.

b) Different types of cheese with their brand names and country of origin.

7.        Draw a neat diagram showing cuts of lamb and explain their uses.

Define different types of soups with suitable examples.

8.        a) Explain the role of spices in Indian Cookery.

b) Composition of Indian masalas.

9.        Draw a General Kitchen Layout for five star hotel including receiving areas, service layout and washing area.


Term End Examinations – 2008

1.        Define Sauce

Give the importance of sauce in food preparation with some suitable examples.

What are the methods for correcting a curdled mayonnaise sauce?

2.         What are the principles/fundamental steps in bread making?

Explain the role of various ingredients in bread making?

3.        Classify fish with suitable examples.

With the help of a neat diagram explain five classical cuts of fish.

4.        Draw a neat diagram showing the different cuts of pork with their French names.

What are the selection qualities of Pork?

5.        What is pasteurization of milk?

What are the different types of milk?

Explain homogenization of milk.

6.        What are leavening agents?

Give the standard recipe for preparation of bread rolls (4 nos).

7.        With the help of a diagram classify soups.

Give the recipe for 5 litres of basic consommé soup.

8.        Explain the following:

Action of salt in bread making

Creaming of fat while making cake.

Holes and tunnels in bread.

Effect of under-fermented dough in bread making.

9.        Write short note on

Chowder and bisque

Emulsified Sauces.