Friday, November 11, 2011

3rd Sem IHM Old Question Papers


Q.1.         (a)    Narrate the points to be considered while selecting equipment for quantity food preparation

(b)    List down six mechanically operated kitchen equipment for quantity food production.                                                                                                                                                                                              (7+3=10)


List down the heavy duty kitchen equipment required for South Indian Restaurant of 100 covers, serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with 600 sq. ft. kitchen space. Draw the layout of the kitchen with proper equipment.


Q.2.          Plan a week's cyclic menu for an Industrial Canteen. Factors to be considered are:

a)       600 people dining for Lunch and Dinner.

b)       Permissible food allowance per meal is Rs.20/-

c)       Meal timing

Lunch        -      12.30 PM to 2.30 PM

Dinner       -        7.30 PM to 9.30 PM


Plan a week's cyclic menu for an Institutional Canteen. Factors to be considered are:

a)       Permissible food allowance of Rs.50/- per day per student.

b)       Meals are: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner                                                         (10)

Q.3.         Write in detail the functioning of a flight kitchen catering to both domestic and international flights.


Discuss the function of ship catering and mention in point form the problem in operation.(10)

Q.4.            (a) List the features of Goan Cuisine.

(b) List some spices used exclusively for Goan food.

(c) Name five dishes from Goan cuisine and describe each dish in two lines.                                         (4+1+5-10)


What are the salient features of Punjabi Cuisine? Plan a dinner menu for a Punjabi theme dinner costing Rs 250/- per person. (4+6=10)

Q.5.   Write short notes on any two:

a.        Standard Purchase Specification

b.       Tools for Portion Control and importance of standard portion size

c.        Obstacles to Food Cost Control

d.       Invalid Cookery                                                                                                                                                                              (5+5=10)

Q.6.            (a)    What are the qualities that an outdoor caterer must possess in order to be successful?

(b)    How does the concept of base kitchen help in "OFF PREMISES CATERING"?    (5+5=10)

Q.7.   Explain in brief:

(a) Baghar (b)Pati Sapta (c) Gusthaba (d) Sorpotel (e) Chicken Chettinad                          (5x2=10)

Q.8.   List down ten Indian Sweets with short description of each.                                                                                          (10)

Q.9.  Give brief description of each.

(i)     Shorba (ii)  Phinee        (iii) Farsaan       (iv) Dhansak (v) Raan (vi)    Caldeen (vii) Goda Masala (viii)Panch Foran (ix) Waazwan  (x) Dhokla                                                                                                                              (10x1=10)

Q.10. (a)    Fill in the blanks:

(i) Medium of cooking in Kerala Cuisine is________     .

(ii) A sweet made from Lauki and Milk is known as_________.

(iii) A soup made from the trotters and tongue of lamb is called ________

(iv) Average weight of Tandoori chicken is ______gm.

(v)_________ is a combination of Rice, Dal and tempering.

          b)    State True or False:

(i)       Methi Thepla is a bread from West Bengal.

(ii)      Shami Kabab is prepared in Tandoor.

(iii)     Avial is a South Indian vegetable preparation.

(iv)     Kahwa is from Andhra Pradesh.

(v)      Gustaba is from Maharashtra.                                                                                                                                                     (5+5=10)


1.              a) What is food cost?

b) How dues standard purchase specification helps in food cost control?

c) What are the tools utilized for portion control? (any six)


a)       What is a cyclic menu?

b)       How does cyclic menu help in institutional menu planning?

c)       List any six electrically operated equipment used for industrial canteens


2.    Write short notes on any two:

a)       Bengali sweets

b)       Wazwan

c)       Indian snacks                                                                                                                        (2x0=10)

3.   (a)    Narrate the importance of indenting in bulk food production.

      (b)    How does Standard Purchase Specification and Standard Recipe help in effective indenting?



      Write briefly about Hospital Catering with regards to the following points

a)       Special features

b)       Special equipment

c)       Staffing

d)       Limitation                                                                                                                              (10)

4.     List the salient features of Avadhi Cuisine or Hyderabad cuisine, considering geographical features, the major ingredients uses, food habits and festivals. List six specialty dishes from the region.

5.   (a)    List five leavened breads with a brief explanation of each,

      (b)    Highlight the characteristics of Rajasthani Cuisine.                                                                                                (5+5=10)


      Differentiate between:

a)       Raita and Pachdi

b)       Bhaji and Thoran

c)       Gusthaba and Rista

d)       Haleem and Lapsi

e)        Shorba and Rassam                                                                                                                                                                     (5x2=10)

6.   Give a brief description of the following dishes:

(a)           Kakori   (b) Sandesh   (c) Sukto   (d) Vindaloo (e) Taftan

(f)            Erussery (g) Avial       (h) Dodol    (i)  Khandvi   (j) Zarda                                                (10x1=10)

7.  List ten classical kebabs giving one line description of each.                                                                          (10x1=10)

8.   (a)    Discuss the problems faced by a Caterer specialized in "Off Premises Catering".

      (b)       Explain the features of Gujarati snacks with examples.                                                                         (5+5=10)

9.  Explain in brief:

         (a) Baghar (b) Dhuanaar (c) Tandoor (d) Dum pukht (e) Potli ka masala                 (5x2=10)

10. State True or False:

a)       Avial is a chicken preparation of Kerala.

b)        Moilee is a lightly spiced fish preparation cooked in plenty of coconut milk.

c)        Nehari is a dish very common in Rajasthan.

d)        Appam is also known as an Indian Pancake.

e)       Patisapta is sweet of Bengal.

f)        Bibinka is prepared with coconut milk and jaggery

g)       The other name of lime rice is chitranna.

h)       Porial is a vegetable preparation of Karnataka

i)         Idiappam are also known as string hoppers

j)         Lobster Malai curry is a classical dish of Goa.                                                                                                  (10x1=10)


1.Plan a Christmas theme menu for 100 Pax. Give indent for the same and calculate food cost.


"Nutritious food plays an important role in overall health growth of children". Plan a weekly cyclic menu (breakfast, lunch & dinner) for school children residing in hostel, per day allowance Rs.55/-


2. "Equipment is the back bone for effective functioning of kitchen'. List various heat and cold generating and auxiliary equipment that are used in quantity food production kitchens.


"In modem days commercial space for hotel kitchens is a constraint". Plan an effective economical modular kitchen with suggestion of latest equipment (draw a neat layout) and its effect on the staffing.             (10)

3. Write short notes on any four:

(a)   Indenting    (b) Flight catering   (c) Hospital catering   (d) Masalas (e)   Tandoor     (f) Convenience foods

(4x2½ =10)

4.                   a)"Banquet parties are always a profit making business for the hotels". What are the factors that are to be  considered while planning menus for banquet parties.

b) Prepare a format of function prospectus of a star hotel.



1. What do you understand by "Volume Feeding"?

    Name and narrate different types of establishments engaged in "Volume Feeding?

    How Volume Feeding is different from the regular Restaurant Feeding?                                                             (1+6+3=10            )

2. What is Banquet?

  Make a 'Banquet Function Sheet' for a 'Theme Party". Following facts are given. Other relevant facts may be presumed:

Theme                                                    - Rajasthani village

Number of Guaranteed Guests         - 700

Selling Price per person                     - Rs. 1500

Date of Event                                        - 30th November 2010

Venue                                                    - Banquet lawns of 50,000 square feet            (2+8=10)

3. Write short notes on the following (any two):

(a)          Standard Purchase Specification for Quantity Purchasing

(b)          Bengali Sweet

(c)           Railway Catering

(d)          Basic Indian Gravies                                                                                                 (2x5=10)

4. Describe the following (any five):

(a)    Baghar (b) Farsan (c) Goda Masala (d) Sweet Spices Powder e) Potli ka Masala (f) Dhungar (g) Wazwan



(a)           Comment on the importance of 'Tandoor' in Indian Hotel Kitchens.

(b)           What are the different types of Tandoors available in the market?

(c)           List and describe five Indian Breads cooked in Tandoor.                                       (2+3+5=10)

6.      List the kitchen equipment (small and large) required for a Central Kitchen feeding 2000 industrial workers of a factory. It is serving all major meals and four time tea and snacks in 24 hours.


           Plan a vegetarian weekly cyclic menu for a hostel mess of 150 students. The residents are in an age group of 17-21. Only breakfast and dinner is served on five working days. Lunch is served only on holidays and weekends. The daily allowance per student is Rs.48/- only.



(a)          Explain Goan Food.

(b)          Name special dishes from Goa and describe them in one or two lines.


(a)         How will you explain Kashmiri Cuisine?

(b)         What are the specialties of Kashmiri Cuisine?


8.     List ten Indian Mutton Preparations with their region of origin. Describe each in one or two lines.


     List ten Indian Sweet Preparations with their region of origin. Describe each in one or two lines. (10)

9. Match the following:

           a) Rista                    i) Meat preparation from Rajasthan

           b) Puchka               ii) A curd based dessert

           c) Nimish                 iii) Meal delicacy from Kashmir

           d) Lal Maas             iv) Another name of Pani Poori

           e) Dhanshak           v) A dessert from Awadh made from fluffy cream

           f) Dhokla                 vi) Sugar syrup coated puff and layered dessert from bihar

           g) Srikhand             vii) A snack item from Gujarat

           h) Khaja                   viii) Combination of cereals pulses and meats

           i) Fish caldeen       ix) Specialty bread from Awadhi region

           j) Sheermal             x) Yellow fish curry with turmeric


10. Explain in one or two lines (any ten):

           Avial, Muzaffar, Chicken Chettinad, Missi Roti, Shikampuri Kebab, Masalyachi Vangi, Malabari Paratha, Fish Amritsari, Malido, Masala Bhat, Galauti Kebab, Tomato Shorba.                               (10x1=10)


1.       What is welfare catering? Briefly explain its branches.


As an outdoor caterer, what are the factors you will consider while planning menu for an outdoor party of 1000 pax? Also plan a menu for the same.                                                                             (10)

2.       State how effective purchasing systems helps in controlling the food cost in large scale food production?


Discuss in detail how the communities have influenced the eating habits of Indian people?(10)

3.       Explain in detail how food is prepared and served in Trains?


Draw a layout of an industrial canteen kitchen which operates for 10000 meals per day. Mention the names and the capacity of the equipment to be installed.                                                          (10)

         4. List down ten chicken preparations with a brief explanation of each and the region of origin. (10)


      5.  Explain what wazwan is? Write notes on Kashmiri cuisine with its regional dishes.                     (10)

6.   Write short notes (any two):

(a)          Balanced diet

(b)          Dry storage

(c)          Indenting                                                                                                                                           (2x5=10)

7.   Give the recipe and method of making (any two)

(a)         Paneer

(b)         Panchporan masala

(c)          Bhojwar masala                                                                                                                                (2x5=10)

8.   Briefly explain (any five)

Ghevar, Avvakai, Gonghura, Posto, Mava misri, Chettinad Masala, Kitchadi                              (5x2=10)

9.   Write   any five

(a)         Two names of fish used in Bengali cuisine.

(b)         Two names of farsans

(c)          Two Indian garnishes.

(d)         Two names of dish prepared from paneer

(e)         Two dishes prepared by dhunghar method.

(f)           Two ittr used in Indian cooking.

(g)         Two Indian thickening agents                                                                                                        (5x2=10)               

10. Fill in the blanks

(a)         Gucchi is a_________ .

(b)         Zingara is a_________

(c)                            is the main staple feed of Gujarat

(d)         Parsi people are also called as______ .

(e)         Ada is made from_______ .

(f)           Pulusu is a_________ .

(g)         Khagina is_________ .

(h)         Gil-e-firdaus literally means______ .

(i)      __________ is called as the spice region.

(j)       Marathi mokku is a __________.                                                                                                                                                  (10x1=10)

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