Monday, October 29, 2012

Previous year question papers



Q. 1.       (a)    Give recipe for Basic consommé.

(b)    Classify soups with an example of each.


(a)    Classify sauces with an example of each.

(b)   Give recipe for two litre white sauce                                                                               (5+5=10)


Q.2.        (a)    Explain effects of heat on vegetables.

(b)    List different colour pigments in vegetables with suitable example.                               (5+5=10)


Q.3         (a)    Describe different parts of salad.

(b)    Explain salad dressing. Name five different dressings.                                          (5+5=10)


Q.4.   Explain the following culinary terms:

 (a)    Abats                          (b)   Chinois

(c)     Mire-poix                  (d)  Rigor-Mortis

(e)    Emulsion                    (f)   Bain Mane

(g)    Boquet garni            (h)  Chiffonnade
(i)      Foiegras                     (j)   Larding                                                                                          (10x1=10)


Q.5.        (a)    Explain duties and responsibilities of Executive Chef.

(b)    Draw kitchen organization chart for 5-star hotel                                                       (5+5=10)


Q.6.        (a)    Draw and describe the structure of an egg

(b)    List the characteristics and uses of eggs.                                                                      (5+5=10)


Q.7.        (a)     Define stock

(b)      Give the recipe for one litre fish stock

(c)      List the points to be considered while making good stock                                  (2+3+5=10)


Q.8.        (a)    What is the importance of sugar in baking''

(b)      Types of sugar and its uses


What are the various methods of cooking food? Explain each with an example       (10)


Q.9.   Write short notes (any two):

    (a)    Cooking of sugar                     (b)    Raising Agents

(c)       Selection of good eggs    (d) Shortenings                                                                 (2x5=10)


Q 10. Answer any two:

(a)      Explain the importance of kitchen uniform

(b)      What is personal hygiene?

(c)      Which are safety procedures in handling equipment?

(d)      Discuss principles of roasting.                                                                                         (2x5=10)










Q.1.         (a)    Write the Job Description of Sous chef of a 5-Star Hotel.

(b)    Co-operation and Co-ordination with other departments of the hotel is prime concern for chef de cuisine. Comment.                                                                                                                      (5+5=10)


Q.2.          (a)    What is Cooking?

(b)           Explain aims and objectives of Cooking.

(c)            What is Kitchen mise-en-place?                                                                                            (2+6+2=10)


Q.3.         (a)    What is the role of vegetables in food? Explain with examples.

(b)    Classify vegetables with emphasis on pigments.


(a)            What is salad? Explain its components and classify salad dressings.

(b)            Write down the uses of fruits in cookery.                                                                           (5+5=10)


Q.4.         (a)    Define stock and elements of stock.

(b)    Write down the uses of egg in cookery.


(a)          Give the recipe for 5 Litres of brown chicken stock.

(b)          Draw and label neatly the structure of an egg.                                                                    (5+5=10)


Q.5.         (a)    Describe sauce and its uses in kitchen.

(b)    Briefly explain mother sauces and give at least two derivatives of each.                         (5+5=10)


Q.6          Elaborate the following with suitable examples (any two):

                (i) Poaching    (ii) Frying      (iii) Roasting      (iv) Baking                                                                  (2x5=10)


Q.7          (a) Classify soups with examples.

(b) What steps will you take to ensure proper hygiene and sanitation standards in the kitchen?                                                                                                                                                                       (5+5=10)


Q.8          (a) What is the role of shortening in cookery?

                (b) Write different types of raising agents used in food production.


(a)     Describe various thickening agents used in cookery.

(b)     Explain cooking of sugar and its stages.                                                                                   (5+5=10)


Q.9          Explain the following terms (any ten):

                (a) En cocotte                                      (b) Poele                                                (c) Broiling

                (d) Stir Frying                                        (e) En Casserole                                   (f) Blind Baking

                (g) Compote                                          (h) Roux                                                 (i) Terrine

                (j) Pate                                                   (k) Gelatin                                              (l) Duxelle              (10x1=10)


Q.10       Match the Following:

(a) Flavons                                             (i) Un-passed Soup

(b) Julienne                                           (ii) Tuber

(c) Broth                                                                (iii) Clarified Soup

(d) Bouquet Garni                                (iv) Small Cubes

(e) Potato                                              (v) 1mm Thick strips

(f) Madras Soup                                    (vi) Parsley, thyme and bay leaf

(g) Aubergine                                       (vii) Fruits

(h) Macedoine                                      (viii) International Soup

(i) Consomme                                       (ix) Colouring pigment in white vegetables

(j) Crème de tomate                            (x) Carotenoids

                                                                                (xi) Croutons                                                                         (10x1=10)


Q.1.         (a)    Define Stock.

(b)          List the components of a stock.

(c)           What are the precautions to be taken while preparing stocks?                                                 (2+3+5=10)


Q.2.         (a)    Classify sauces with suitable examples.

(b)    Give the recipe for preparing one litre of sauce hollandaise.                                                      (5+5=10)


Q.3.         (a)    Give the classification of vegetables with two examples for each.

(b)    Give five classical cuts of vegetables with the help of a neat diagram.                                      (5+5=10)


Q.4.         Explain the rote of the following ingredients:

(a)          Sugar in cake making.

(b)          Fats used in yeast products.

(c)           Thickening agents.

(d)          Salt in bread making.                                                                                                                   (4x2½  =10)


Q.5.         Write short notes on any two of the following:

(a)          Aims and objectives of cooking food.

(b)          Moist methods of cooking food.

(c)           Personal hygiene of food Handlers

(d)          Dry methods of cooking                                                                                                               (2x5=10)


Q.6.         (a)    Draw the organization chart of a kitchen in a five star hotel.

(b)    List five points on the role of the executive chef in a five star hotel.


(a)          Classify soups with suitable examples.

(b)          Give the recipe for making one litre of Consommé Brunoise.                                                   (5+5=10)


Q.7.         Explain any ten of the following terms:

                (a) Abats                                                 (b) Cloute                                (c) Raft                                    (d) Chiffonade

                (e) Mirepoix                            (f) Emulsification                    (g) Fermentation                    (h) Demi Glaze

                (i) Rancidity                            (j) Beurre Manie                     (k) En Cocotte                         (l) Lyonnaise


Q.8.         Give two derivatives/examples for any five of the following:

(a)           Sauce Espagnole

(b)           Consomme garnishes

(c)           Salad dressing

(d)           Dry methods of cooking

(e)           Puree soups

(f)            Egg preparations

(g)           Potato preparations

(h)           Sauce Mayonnaise

(i)            Simple Salad
(j)        Sauce Veloute                                                                                                                             (5x2=10)


Q.9.         With the help of a neat diagram explain the structure of an egg and give five uses of eggs in bakery and confectionery.                                                                               OR

Classify raising agents and explain any two in detail.                                                                           (10)


Q.10.       A.     Match the following:

(i)     Egg yolk h cream
(ii)    Plum cake
(iii)   Cuts of vegetables
(iv)    Spinach
(v)    Savoury egg custard







B.     State True or False:

(a)           A sound stock should be boiled for a longer time.

(b)           Food handlers should keep their nails trimmed.

(c)           The temperature for poaching is from 92°C - 95°C.

(d)                        The ideal temperature for storing egg is 2°C.

(e)                         The effect of heat on moist carbohydrates is gelatinization.                                                                            (5+5=10)




Q.1.         (a)    Explain duties and responsibilities of 'Executive Chef,

(b)    Draw kitchen organization chart for 5-star hotel.                                                 (5+5=10)


Q.2.         (a)    Define stock.

(b)           Give the recipe for one Liter  fish stock.

(c)           List the points to be considered while making good stock.                                               (2+3+5=10)


Q.3.         (a)    Draw and describe the structure of an egg.

(b)    List the characteristics and uses of eggs.                                                                                (5+5=10)


Q.4          Write short notes (any two):

    (a)    Cooking of sugar                          (b)    Raising Agents

(c)    Selection of good eggs               (d)    Shortenings                                                                  (2x5=10)


Q.5.         (a)    Explain effects of heat on vegetables.

(b)    List different colour pigments in vegetables with suitable example.                                (5+5=10)


Q.6.         (a)    Give recipe for Basic consommé.

(b)    Classify soups with an example of each.


(a)           Classify sauces with an example of each.

(b)           Give recipe for two litre white sauce.                                                                                   (5+5=10)


Q.7.          (a)    Describe different parts of salad.

(b)    Explain salad dressing. Name five different dressings.                                                         (5+5=10)


Q.8.         Answer any two:

(a)          Explain the importance of kitchen uniform.

(b)          What is personal hygiene?

(c)           Which are safety procedures in handling equipment?                                                      (5+5=10)


Q.9          (a)    What is the importance of sugar in baking?

(b)    Types of sugar and its uses.                                                                                                       (5+5=10)


What are the various methods of cooking food? Explain each with an example.                    (10)


Q.10       Explain the following culinary terms:

                (a)           Abats

                (b)           Chinois

                (c)           Mire poix

                (d)           Rigor –mortis

                (e)           Emulsion

                (f)            Bain-Marie

                (g)           Bouquet garni

                (h)           Chiffonade

                (i)            Foie gras

                (j)            Larding








Term End Examinations – 2010


1.       Write Short notes:                                                                                                               (5 marks each)

a.        International Soups

b.       Mother Sauces


2.       Define different types of soups with suitable examples.                                                              (10)


3.       State the role of kitchen uniform in maintaining hygiene levels in five star kitchens.            (10)


4.       Explain following culinary terms (any ten):

Aperitif, Baba, Bonbon, Cisel, Dot, Dust, Fool, Giblets, Meringue, Mocha, Pimento, Royal, Walewska

Kebabs, Dhansak                                                                                                                                  (10 x 1 = 10)


5.       Explain duties and responsibilities of Executive Chef.                                                                  (10)


Term End Examinations – 2009


1.       (a) Draw the kitchen organization chart of a large hotel.

(b) What are the duties of an Executive Chef?                                                                               (5+5=10)


        2.     (a) Define stock

                (b) List and explain the elements of stock.

                (c) What are the points to be considered while preparing a good stock?                                (2+5+3=10)


       3.      Draw and explain the various parts of an Egg.                                                                                (10)


       4.      Write short notes                                                                                                                                                5 mark each)

                (a) Leavening Agents

                (b) Effect of heat on vegetables


      5.       Draw a neat chart showing the classification of soups giving an example of each. (6)


      6.       Give the recipe to make a basic consommé.                                                                                  (4)


      7.       What are the various methods of cooking? Explain each with an example                              (10)


      8.       (a) Explain the “Attitudes and Behavior” required in the kitchen.

(b) List the various points a food handler needs to keep in mind to maintain good personal hygiene standards.                                                                                                                                            (5+5=10)


      9.       (a) Draw and explain five cuts of vegetable.

                (b) List and explain various parts of a salad.                                                                                    (5+5=10)


      10.    Match the following                                                                                                                            (10 x 1 = 10)

Column A         
Column B
(a) Bouquet garni
Emulsion sauce
(b) Aspic
(c) Minestrone
Savoury jelly
(d) Liaison
Double boiler
(e) Baking powder
Brown sauce
(f)  Bain Marie
(g) Beurre Mannie
Equal quantities of egg yolk and cream
(h) Espagnole
Brown stock
(i) Estouffade
Equal quantities of flour and butter
(j) Mayonnaise
Chemical raising agent













Supplementary Examinations – 2009


1.        (a) Draw a neat diagram of the “Structure of an Egg” and label its different parts.

(b) List and briefly explain the various methods of cooking eggs.                                                        (5+5=10)


2.        (a) List the various points a food handler needs to keep in mind to maintain good personal hygiene standards

(b) List and explain the “Attitudes and Behavior” required in the kitchen.

(c) What are the points to consider while selecting a kitchen uniform?                                              (4+3+3=10)

         3.    Write short note on pigments and colour changes in vegetables                                                         (5)


         4.    (a) With the help of a chart classify soups with suitable examples.

(b) Explain in detail ‘Consommé’ and give the recipe for preparation of 2 litres of consommé.

(c) Name six National soups giving the country of origin.                                                                    (2+5+3=10)

5.    (a) What do you understand by the term “Kitchen Brigade”? What are the duties and responsibilities of an Executive Chef.                                                                                                        

       (b) Draw the kitchen organization chart of a large hotel (writing of French names is compulsory)


6.        (a) Define Stock. What are the components of stock?

(b) State the guidelines, care and precautions to be taken in the production of stocks.

(c) Give the recipe for preparing 5 liters of Fish Stock.                                                                         (2+4+4=10)


7.        (a) Define Sauce. List the basic elements of the sauce.

(b) Classify Sauces with suitable examples.

(c) Name the ‘Mother Sauces’ and give 2 derivatives of each along with the ingredients.


8.        Match the following:                                                                                                                              (10x1=10)


Sous chef
Miscellaneous sauce
Creator of elegant displays
Under chef
Ribbon consistency
Proprietary sauce
Horseradish sauce
Onion + bay leaf + clove
Chef of kings and King of Chefs
Worcestershire sauce
Challenged the rules of the guild













           9.   Explain the following culinary terms:

Au gratin
Bain marie
Bouquet garni
Foie gras


10. Fill in the blanks:

(i)             Demi-glaze is equal parts of________ and__________ reduced to half.

(ii)            Fonds de cuisine means_________ .

(iii)                                        ___________is the Father of the modem kitchen organization.

(iv)                                       ___________is the French term for well cooked.

(v)      Braising is a combined method of________ and__________ .

(vi) ___________ is the 'head of fillet' steak and its approximate weight varies from____  to _____Kg.

(vii)The greenish or bluish grey ring sometimes obtained at the interface of the
egg yolk and egg white in boiled egg is due to the formation of_______.

(viii) __________ and___________ are the two connective tissue present in meat.

(ix)      The poisonous green portion found on some potatoes is called________.

(x)    A conical strainer is also called_________ .                                                                                     (10x1=10)

Term End Examinations – 2008


1.       (a) Define Sauce.

(b)  Give the importance of sauce in food preparation with some suitable examples.

(c) What are the methods for correcting a curdled mayonnaise sauce?                                  (2+5+3=10)


2.       (a) Draw the kitchen organization chart of a large hotel.

(b) What are the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Chef?                                         (4+6=10)


3.       (a) Explain the different parts of an egg with the help of a diagram.

(b) What are the different grades of an egg?

(c) What are the conditions which should be maintained to store an egg?                              (3+3+4=10)


4.       (a) With the help of a diagram classify soups.

(b) Give the recipe for 5 Liters of basic Consommé Soup.                                                           (5+5-10)


5.       (a) Define Stocks.

(b) What are the basic compositions of a stock?

(c) Write the guidelines that are necessary to be followed to make a good stock.                         (2+3+5=10)


          6.          (a) Classify vegetables.

(b) What care is necessary to retain the colour of green vegetables while cooking them?  (5+5=10)


Explain the following: (i)     Action of salt in bread making     (ii) Creaming of fat while making cake

Action of heat on carbohydrates   (iv) Holes and tunnels in bread (v)    Effect of under fermented dough in bread making                                                                                                                                                                                      (5 x 2 = 10)


         7.    Write short notes on any two:

(i)     Chowder and Bisque (ii) Emulsified Sauces (iii) Salad Dressing

(iv)    Cooking of Eggs      (v) Roasting as an essential cooking method                                       (2x5=10)


         8.    Match the following:                                                                                                                           (10x1=10)

Baking Blind
Highly flavored stock
Fancy bread roll
Bow Knot
Flavored poaching liquor
Court Bouillon
Puff Pastry
Skin citrus fruit
Proprietary Sauce
Sous chef
Under Chef
Work Force
Onion Studded with clove
Worcestershire Sauce
Layered bakery products












Supplementary Examinations – 2008


1.       (a) Neatly draw a kitchen organization chart for a five star hotel.

(b) Describe the duties and responsibilities of any two chef-de-partie.                                    (5+5=10)


2.       (a) Define Sauce.

(b) Classify sauces with a suitable example.

(c) How to correct a curdled mayonnaise sauce?                                                                          (2+5+3=10)


3.       (a) Define Stock.

(b) What are the basic compositions of stock?

(c) State the basic guidelines for stock production.                                                                      (2+3+5=10)


4.       (a) Explain the nutritional benefits obtained from an egg.

(b) List five factors affecting egg white foam formation.

(c) Explain the rancidity of Fat.                                                                                                          (3+4+3=10)


5.       (a)       Define soup.

(b)          Classify soup with suitable examples.

(c)          List the basic reasons for cloudy consommé.                                                                      (2+5+3=10)

6.       (a)       What is cooking?

(b)         What are the different ways heat is transferred?

(c)          Explain Braising.                                                                                                                         (2+5+3=10)

7.       Justify the following:

(a)          Discoloration of potato when exposed to air.

(b)          Pineapple soufflé is unset.

(c)          Béchamel sauce is lumpy.

(d)          It is difficult to peel off boiled egg.

(e)          The onion brings out tears from eyes while peeling.                                                         (5x2=10)

8.       Differentiate between:

(a)         Larding and Barding

(b)         Beurre Manie and Roux

(c)          Compound Butter and Unsalted Butter

(d)         Homogenized milk and Pasteurized milk

(e)         Puff Pastry and Danish Pastry                                                                                                 (5x2=10)

















Term End Examinations – 2007


1.       Explain the following terms (any ten)

a) A la Carte                          b) Chinois                              c)Beurre manie                    d) Mirepoix

e) Rigor Mortis                     f) Navrin                                 g) Fricasse                             h) Gluten

i) Emulsion                             j) Fermentation                    k) Marinade                          l) Paysanne


2.       Give two examples of:

i)                     Derivatives of Brown Sauce

ii)                   Consomme Garnishes

iii)                  Liquid Sugar

iv)                  Salad Dressing

v)                   Chemical raising agents


3.       Draw neat diagram of the structure of Egg                                                                                     (5)


4.       Write short note on

a)       Aims and objectives of cooking.

b)       Methods of cooking                                                                                                                    (2x5=10)


5.       (a) Give the modern staffing of Food Production department of a five star hotel.

(b) What are the duties and responsibilities of Executive Chef?                                                (5+5=10)


6.       (a) Define Stock.

(b) What precautions should be taken while preparing stocks?

(c) What are the uses of stock?                                                                                                         (2+4+4=10)


7.       (a) Classify soups with example of each category.

(b) Give the basic recipe of any cream soup.


(a)     Classify Sauces

(b)     Give the recipe of hollandaise sauce                                                                                       (5+5=10)


8.       (a) Give classification of vegetables.

(b) What is the effect of heat on vegetables?

(c) Give important cuts of vegetables



















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